
Grand Sumo Original

Highly nutritious diet with tasty special attractant added for immediate acceptance. Your fish will simply love it, faster!
Grand Sumo Original
Grand Sumo RED

Grand Sumo Red

This natural blend of fresh seafood mix provides an excellent source of pure marine proteins, creating an exciting flavor that your fish cannot resist.

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Eye Catching Results

Special hi-Astaxanthin and Spirulina-rich floating pellets for enhancing colors of Flower Horn Fish and other large cichlids.

Fluid Color & Pattern

Hi-density floating pellets fortified with protein-rich Spirulina maxima algae, concentrations of carotenoids and other natural color enhancers to provide dazzling colors on your fish.

Good Quality

Enhances fish metabolism and protein use, thus increasing body bulk and head-size of your flower horn cichlid.

High Quality Formula

Natural blend of fresh seafood mix provides an excellent source of pure marine proteins, creating an exciting flavor that your fish cannot resist.

Natural Color Enhance

Significantly improve appetite and vitality in fish while boosting their immune system and aiding in disease resistance.

Unique Formulated

Induce speedy head growth for all Flower Horn Breed. Shape of head growth will also improve through constant feeding.

Increasing body bulk and head-size of your flower horn

Hi-density floating pellets fortified with protein-rich Spirulina maxima algae, concentrations of carotenoids and other natural color enhancers to provide dazzling colors on your fish!

What people say?

Grand Sumo is the best fish food that i been feeding on my flowerhorn and other chiclid fish that i have. Thanks Grand Sumo Team.
Ramil C. Gavino
I am using grand sumo original and red for my Flowerhorn and the results are astonishing.
Selvin Raja

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